Day 3 Of The 10x10x10 Challenge


0:04 Welcome to day three of the 10x10x10 challenge or 10 appointments from 10 missed calls in just 10 days

0:15 So recap on day one we signed up we started the free trial we went through the wizard and we got your AI receptionist about 80% done. Yesterday on day two I taught you guys how to test your AI receptionist and how to configure it and how to make micro changes in that AI logic to make sure that it is correct. Now todayz we’re going to split these up into two different sections for today the first section

0:42 We’re going to get your AI Voice voicemail set up and all the other things with your account setup your notifications everything like that then

0:50 We’re also going to talk about educating your team members because AI voice can be a scary thing a lot of your team members might think I’m going to lose my job right or it’s just a matter of time and that’s you know might be the case I don’t know it’s your call but that’s not our goal right and we have a ton of customers in fact every single person who’s signed up that we know of and has used AI voice in their receptionist sorry in their business um they actually have hired more people right and not let go of Staff because again there’s a lot that your staff is doing besides just answering the phones right so um we have to make sure that your team members don’t feel like oh crap I’m going to get let go um and they’re going to start looking for another job right we want to make sure that your team feels very confident in your vision for incorporating local business pro in your business okay so those are that’s how

1:43 We’re going to break it up today in those two different areas let’s start by configuring the rest of your account so if you’re logged into Local Business Pro I want you to head up to that conversations tab which that should be default where it’s loaded and I want you to go over to voicemail now you might be thinking wait a minute dude you just told me we were getting rid of the voicemail yeah we are right but what happens if you get a new card and you forget to log into Local Business Pro and update it I don’t want your customers to just hear crickets on the other side of the phone so what we do instead is that if there’s billing issues if there are um you know it really is just billing issues but if there’s anything else that you guys want for any reason to turn on voicemail and not have the AI receptionist talk to it um this is a voicemail that’s going to play and it’s kind of a backup of the AI voice receptionist so that you don’t look bad to your customers if you forgot to update a credit card right so there’s two ways you can do this you can record a personal voice um mail or you can have the AI voice do it so hey “thanks for calling us at Pete’s best control account Pete’s pest control we cannot pick up the phone right now.”

3:05 I can sample it I’m just going to go ahead and save so this is your voicemail and so you can edit this and in your AI voice the one if you’ve selected Tim this will play so I can click save or sample it for now what I want to do is record a personal voice note so I’m going to click on start recording hey thanks for calling Pete’s Pest Control um sorry that we couldn’t get to the phone we’ll call you guys back as quickly as we can but if you could leave your name and your number and probably some details about what pested your um issue your facing or how our team can help you that would be awesome thanks so much so I can do all of that I can save it edit it all that fun stuff but I have my voice message set really well so I’m going to head over I’m just going to leave that the way it is but I wanted to make sure that you guys knew how to update it and how to set it on your side so let’s go over to the dashboard so the dashboard we’ve got some awesome things coming to this dashboard um but as of now it really tells you your phone calls the chats and then um kind of a graph over time of where you’re at so you can see Trends in your business um depending on how things are coming we’re coming out with a lot more um information here really excited about it but I won’t spoil it and I’ll I’ll let it be a surprise as it comes out okay so that’s your dashboard more is coming super excited for it and we’ve already talked about the AI logic tab now let’s go into the chat and um call and chat setup so this is the page where you can get your website chat widget to get it on your website um get it connected to your customers and we’re going to go over this page in a couple of days but for now let’s keep going down so outbound calls

4:52 Local business pro can actually do outbound calls and it can do them in the way of like appointment reminders or when someone fills out a form on your website you want to call them right away to make sure that you get them on the schedule that can Happ that as well. However because of United States laws and again not a lawyer so there not legal advice but because of the US laws it is actually illegal to do cold calls with AI so you have to get consent first and what that means is that um if someone says yeah you can call me then that’s consent that’s awesome but I can’t call a thousand people in my neighborhood and try to pitch on my service and just think that I’m going to have AI do it over and over again because that looks a lot more like spam than adding value to your business and value to your customers as well so with the outbound call request um we just want to know a little bit of why you’re doing it and how you’re doing it so that we can make sure that if you’re going to tie us together um that you’re doing it in the correct way and um that way if someone sues you because you accidentally called them and they’re not on do not call list or anything that that is your responsibility. Instead of ours we want to give you guys the tools but we don’t want to babysit right so that is outbound call if you think like man we have a really good use case for it apply right that would be awesome we’d love to do outbound calls with you.

6:15 Before we go into settings, actually I’m going to come down to Notifications. So notifications is just this nice slide out anytime there’s notifications in your account they’re going to be in an email and they’re going to be in here okay um Knowledge Center on the other hand hand is going directly to our support and we have a ton of Articles so if you guys this 10 x 10 x 10 challenges um lacking anyway let us know would love to update it but also um there’s a ton of information in here all different types of um content here right and we want to make sure that you and your team know how to use Local Business Pro’s so we built and we’re continuing to build out this Knowledge Center okay now we’re going to go into settings so your account info anytime that you need to update your email or your password or anything like that you’re going to come to account info first name and last name let me just put that inthere click on update down there at the bottom billing information exact same thing if you guys need a new card on file you just come here put in that card any of your invoices so this is one that I just started from the free trial your account should look the exact same should show up here anytime you guys have a billing question question go grab your invoice link and send it over and say hey I have a question about this billing right um this invoice ID is going to help us a ton and then your plan this is where you’re able to hop down and change the amount of calls that you have now I recommend do not do this right away because when you do it it actually is going to close your free trial and start you fresh right we close the account and start over when you change your billing um so we kind of have plans all the way from 22 calls all the way to 12,000 calls and kind of like your monthly base and then if you go over right so I’m on this like 250 plan right here at 145 um included it comes down to like 71 cents a minute but if I go over it doubles to $145 so if you think you’re going to be doing a lot of calls take advantage how this cost per minute included goes lower and lower as you go higher but so does your additional minutes so take advantage of that increased upfront cost and save your business a ton of time and money in the long run because you’re actually going to be getting minutes for a lot cheaper on both the overage and the included minutes okay so notifications this is a super important part so if I get a phone call and I want my office staff to know about it put in their email here so example ke at Local Business Pro and then maybe I want another team member so I’m going to click that plus button and I’m going to come into here and checkmark is on or off and you know maybe I’m going to do an at Local Business Pro awesome now this web hook if you guys are more advanced and you guys like technology maybe using zapier or or one of those you can actually ping those with a web hook and so every time a phone call happens it’s going to actually ping that web hook and um send the entire conversation and everything over to that so that you can get it more integrated in in your systems however you’d like through web hooks okay so if you don’t know what web hooks are it’s okay they’re it’s complicated don’t worry about it.

9:44 You do know what they are awesome now you know you have them okay passwords pretty simple and Integrations so we’re working on Integrations all the time for example we’re working on our HubSpot integration right now service monster integration jobber integration and um soon they will all show up here and if you have them great right um come here like pest pack or go high level metap pixel I can click on it and I can simply just set that up now it’s going to be really really important because when it comes to calendars and getting that all set up this is how we’re going to connect your external calendar into Local Business Pro as this integration page which we’re going to do um tomorrow okay so that’s kind of the rest of the settings in local business pro right we’ve got the notifications we’ve got how to train your team on the on the Knowledge Center you’ve got you learned about outbound and how to get that set up and everything like that um but how do we get your team on board right how do we make it so your team really understands like what this is and how it works it’s actually really really simple and the way that we’re going to suggest doing it is actually being very transparent with your team right so I don’t I can’t remember if I’ve told this story in this challenge yet but there is one business that was thinking hey we’re only missing like 40 calls a month and their office staff was like I don’t know if we need this like this doesn’t make any sense for us and because of the 14-day free trial it’s like guys there’s it’s risk-free right if you if your team is answering the phone awesome right then you prove that you don’t need it if your team’s not answering the phone then you uncover a gap in your business and you should use it right and so the way we approached it with their team they were very hesitant is we simply outlined all the other responsibilities that they’re doing besides talking to customers right and so for some of you guys that might be collections billing routing that might be things like um cleaning ordering inventory that might be things like um if they’re on any strategy meetings if they have customers walking into the store as well there’s all these other things and if you can highlight that list to your customers it’s going to be huge because they’re going to be like okay so answering the phone is only one part of my job and then the next thing you do is you simply just say your job is really important because it is like you wouldn’t have hired them you wouldn’t be spending all that money on them if it wasn’t important and so what Local Business Pro allows you to do is to be a pro right to answer the phone all the time with our always available system whether it’s a sales call a potential sorry a current customer and you can take care of it right so that way if your office staff has a customer in front of them they can let it go to voicemail and they don’t have to pick up and say hey can I put you on hold for a minute and have that customer waiting for five minutes for you to finish the call and then when you pick out the phone back up they’ve already left right that’s the number two complaint with calling a business is being put on hold right so you’re able to allow your staff to focus on what’s at hand knowing that there’s this always available system set up so what team members really enjoy about that is they’re like oh it helps me do my job better right and so if you have those notifications set up for them and you teach them how to use the conversations page they’re going to love it because they’re going to be like okay I there’s all this stuff that I didn’t realize I was missing and I can actually handle it right so that business I was telling you guys
they thought they were only missing 30 phone calls ends up they were missing close to 300 10 times more than they thought and it created so much more work for their team because now all the customers that are calling in to say.

13:29 Hey can we add this to my route or can I add this service to my route creating more revenue for the business it made it so that that the office staff would call the customer back and say hey we got your message this is awesome we’d love to add it and they would go and update the records right and so it just made it to where everything was being captured and things weren’t being missed so on in your email and on this page we actually have some charts um some documents that you can fill out some workbooks to what are all the respons posibilities for your current team members and why AI voice is not replacing their job right um and what they’re going to be doing instead right and how this is a backup for that voicemail so if you guys have any questions or concerns about that if any of your team wants to hop on and talk to us about it we’d love to we have a ton of data a ton of case studies over here because really we want to help you become an absolutely professional local small business and the way you do that is taking care of your customers and capturing every sales opportunity that comes your way and we believe that is with AI voice replacing the voicemail.

14:37 Okay guys so easy day for number three just more information about what’s going on in your account the homework is test the AI receptionist at this point you should be up to 10 test calls from 10 different people okay after day three when you go out and test it that number should be 20 so from day two two to day three you did 10 you’re going to do 10 more calls here keep going in and tweaking it okay tomorrow we’re going to set up your phone system sorry we’re going to do your calendar so we can get it start scheduling and making sure that that works and then we’re going to do your phone system and we’re going to actually turn it on here by day five and that’s going to leave you five days right five business days um and nine total days for your system to start capturing appointments from these Missed calls so I’m pretty excited about that