Day 9 Of The 10x10x10 Challenge


00:04 welcome to day eight of the 10 by 10 by1 challenge my name is Katon the founder of local business pro and I am so excited that you guys are here because we’re going to be able to take all the revenue from Missed phone calls and from people visiting your website and not wanting to fill out a form submission or making a call and using a chat widget we’re going to take all of that missed opportunity and we’re going to inject it into your business during this Challenge

01:35 We are almost done with it right so far you guys have set up your AI receptionist you’ve learned how to tweak it you’ve learned how to Think Through the customer Journey you’ve trained your team you set up systems so that your team know how to use the software and now with only 3 days left of our 10 x 10 x 10 challenge you might be asking yourself well what’s left right what’s next well if you have your CRM and all of that connected then what’s left left is just tweaking and optimizing to make sure that you can get as many conversions as possible in your AI receptionist right using your AI receptionist.

01:15 So it’s simple what we’re doing today is going back and we’re reviewing all of those phone calls and we’re looking for the ones that were unsuccessful and we’re going to start categorizing why were they unsuccessful right so if you’re familiar with the celles process process right a lot of sales guys and sales girls they have they have their scripts right so if I’m going to do a cold call and you guys probably hate cold calls I know I do but if I if I have to do a cold call and I pick up the phone and I call somebody I’m going to create a script beforehand and I’m going to use that script.

02:52 I’m going to start testing I’m going to do a 100 phone calls and then with that script I’m going to say okay I had a a 10% success rate on that script then I’m going to create a second script I’m going to take everything that I learned from that first one all the NOS all the all that no I don’t want that or the rebuttal or anything like that and I’m going to create a new script I’m going to do another 100 phone calls and the reason why I’m going to do that is because I’m trying to improve now on that second script I might get a 12% conversion or I might get an 8% conversion rate right but I have that number on script two and that number on script one and what I’m going to do is I’m going to compare and I’m going to use the better script and I’m going to create a script three and I’m going to redo it right.

03:37 The goal is to take my conversion rate from that 10% up to 20 25 30 as high as possible right and you only know how to do that once you get real life feedback right I don’t know what the rebuttal are going to be I don’t know what the NOS are going to be I might have an idea but I don’t actually know until I try it’s the exact same thing with your AI receptionist is is that you might think you know your customers and you might really know your customers really well but they’re always going to surprise you and so reviewing what went successful why didn’t go successful is this something I need to tweak inside of local business pro update the prompt add some information to the services change the conversation strategy like we talked about last time or is it good right is that just a weird customer that was never going to buy anyways right and so that’s what we’re going to keep doing during this Challenge and we’re going to try to get it as high as possible on those conversion rates but you have to review why a customer didn’t convert to understand if you need to tweak something to eventually make the next customer convert right to increase that conversion rate right.

03:50 So that’s how simple today is Right review those calls go into your local business Pro system and update either the macro level right the sales conversation the current customer conversation flow maybe add some rules if you turn on custom prompts um then go over to your services and see if you can break down your pricing to make it more simple um maybe you can break down your product offering to make it more simple as well um whatever is going to help you with those conversions.

04:17 Now if you guys haven’t been seeing a lot of conversions please reach out to our support team have us review your account to make sure that we can get it to convert at the highest level okay guys this is that’s it I don’t want to I don’t want to keep going right I’ll see you guys tomorrow on day nine it’s kind of a bonus day I’m going to go over additional things there that are kind of outside of the 10×10 challenge um really excited for it and I’ll see you guys tomorrow bye