Day 10 Of The 10x10x10 Challenge

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00:04 Welcome to day 10 of the 10x10x10 challenge or 10 appointments from 10 Missed phone calls in just 10 days my name is Keeton the founder of local business pro and I am so excited that you guys have made it this far okay.

00:20 So honestly what’s left we have to celebrate right throw the streamers right pop the champagne because it is the last day day and so you guys have either hit your goal of getting 10 appointments from 10 Missed phone calls in just 10 days or you’re a little short right maybe you only have two or three appointments right maybe you have eight or nine

00:50 You’re going to get the rest today when phone calls come in right now wherever you’re at the awesome thing is is that you now have a system that’s going to replace your voicemail and work better and it the pricing is as cheap as $50 a month.

01:00 So if you really are an owner operator and you’re just starting out you don’t miss that many phone calls right you now have a system that’s going to get rid of all the sales guys that are calling you and the marketers are calling you and stuff like that and filter out all of that garbage and make sure that you can focus on your customers that are there.

01:25 You have this amazing reliable system in the back end right only for 50 bucks a month now if you’re a larger operation right you’re taking advantage of the discounts of the bulk pricing discounts and now you have this system that’s going to increase your customer lifetime value right customers are going to be like wow every time I call in I listened to the information I’m providing is getting added to my account this company is very efficient they have the systems in place so it’s going to increase how long your customers stay with your business and the amount of money they spend with your business okay which is awesome it’s also going to get you more sales and if you’re a larger company you have more volume coming in so you’re going to see the success and the results and the benefits of Local Business Pro at an accelerated rate.

02:10 That is why we need to celebrate right so if you guys want if you want a local business pro team member to go through your account to review it to make sure it’s good reach out we would love to do that for you.

02:22 Okay, so in the email of this video and down below you should see a link that goes out to a survey that helps us improve right if there’s only like five maybe like seven questions on that survey and if you guys fill that out it’s going to do two things one it’s going to do three things not just two.

03:42 The first thing is going to help us get better it’s going to help us know where what part of this process do we need to change what videos do we need to change everything like that so where we can better better serve local businesses in um in around the world okay the second thing that it’s going to do is that if you had an incredible experience right and you had and you and you followed the 10×10 Challenge and you got a ton of appointments we want to hear about that because we’re going to take your story and we’re going to blast it out we’re going to take your business name we’re going to blast it out on all of our social medias in our ads on our website.

03:25 We’re going to help your brand grow by sharing your success story inside of our software now the third thing that it’s going to do is it’s going to enter you into $250 free credits inside of your Local Business Pro account so that means that if you’re on the $250 plan you get one month free if you’re on a lower plan you might get four or five months for free depending on what plan you’re at.

03:50 Okay, so if you guys could do us a huge favor and fill out that survey it’s going to take less than two minutes that’s going to be super helpful for us and hopefully super helpful for you in return on either you know getting your brand name out there inside of our audience or number two you know maybe you have that you are winner and we can give you some free minutes um and free Revenue coming in to your business through our AI receptionists the rest of this video is for the people that did not hit 10 appointments in 10 days from 10 Missed calls I want to I want to talk to you guys for a minute.

04:12 I really like when you’re when we’re thinking about it we have to understand why okay and if the truth is local business pro might not be the best partner for you I’m going to say that right at the beginning right because I don’t want to take your money unless we’re helping you make money right I want you to every time someone talks about Local Business Pro I want your action to be I freaking love those guys right they’ve helped me make more money they’re perfect for our business everything like that so if you’re not feeling that that’s okay right.

04:47 Maybe Local Business Pro does not fit your business model okay there are a couple restrictions I’m going to I’m going to outline some of those the first is that we work really well with businesses that have a minimum of about three three team members right three employees.

05:03 The reason why is because that means there’s enough volume of business coming through to make it reasonable for local business pro right so number two is that you might not have that many Miss phone calls right you might not be generating a lot of phone calls

05:15 So for example if you’re a hairdresser right hairdressers often text their clientele instead of pick up the phone and call them and so if a lot of your customers are texting you for appointments then it’s okay if you take a little longer to get to give them a response because you built that relationship with you right

05:30 So if you’re in that kind of situation we might not be a good fit for you right now if you do have a good solid amount of phone calls coming in you do have a good team then chances are we just didn’t configure something right in your account so I’m going to invite you to reach out to our team to where we can go through and review your account uh um and make sure that we have it correct so that you can take advantage of an AI voice receptionist inside of your business.

06:10 Thank you guys so much for joining me on this challenge like I said my name is Keeton I’m founder of local business pro anytime you guys have questions comments or concern our team is here we want to help you grow your business and I’ll catch you guys later bye.