Day 6 Of The 10x10x10 Challenge


00:0 Welcome to day six of the 10 by 10 by10 challenge where we’re going to get you 10 appointments from 10 Miss calls in just 10 days and today is a really exciting day and that’s because yesterday on day five you guys connected your AI receptionist with your customers for the first time now up until that point we are having all of your team test the AI reception right maybe random people at coffee shops test the AI receptionist right whoever we could find to call and test the AI receptionist and now we have data from live customers calling it in action.

01:41 Now that is super exciting because today what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at the top three reasons why the AI receptionist might not be working and how we can troubleshoot that for you right so the AI receptionist it’s kind of like a webs it right if you’re going to build a landing page and you’re going to run ads to it um maybe these are Facebook ads or Google ads or or something like that you want to get the most conversions possible from that landing page and that ad right you want the most customers possible.

01:19 Now it’s the exact same way with your AI receptionist is that your first go is just your first go we can keep testing it keep refining it collect the data and make it to where our conversion rates they might start out around 50% but we can get that all the way up to 70% by looking at the conversations that didn’t quite go the perfect route right they didn’t go perfectly and modifying the AI receptionist so it knows how to handle that situation better the next time around now I wish oh I wish we could know all the questions that your customers are going to ask you so we could have pre you know we could have got ahead of this and done this in the previous 5 days and we kind of did when of all the testing right but at the end of the day customers are customers and they look at your business in a completely different way than you do.

02:12 That’s why we’re going to do rapid refinement over the next couple of days right all the hard work is done that was on day one through five now what we’re doing is we’re just listening reading the conversations seeing what’s going on and making adjustments okay so today we’re going to go over the top three reasons why customers might not be booking appointments with your AI receptionist and how we can tweak it so that they start booking more appointments and maybe you’re at a a 20% conversion and we get that to 50 or if you’re at a 50 we get that to a 70% conversion right and the cool thing is that businesses that go through our onboarding process see an average of a 70% conversion rate

03:04 So those numbers are very possible very doable we just have have to listen to your customers and tweak the AI receptionist to where we can get those same numbers for you during this challenge okay so I’m not going to gatekeep let’s go over those three reasons why customers might not be booking appointments the first one is you might have a complicated service or product offering right now you in your mind no it’s easy it’s simple but in a conversation it might require multiple steps and those steps are not broken down correctly so what I mean by that is let’s take a car dealership for example car dealerships are pretty simple hey I’m looking for a new car might be a truck might be a Jeep might be you know whatever brand it is I’m looking for a new car and so I’m going to go into the dealership and see what they have and then I get into the financing options whoa it just got complicated because there’s leasing options there are if you change the amount of down payment you have the rate that you get right your APR all of that changes things and your AI receptionist might not know where to stop right so if you have a complicated product or service offering what I suggest you do is you define what success looks like during that call right so if I’m a car dealership no one’s going to buy a car over the phone maybe one day right maybe there are some people that do it but you have to be looking at the same car on the screen but just over a phone calling to get information it’s unlikely.

05:34 So I’m not going to put my goal to book you know sell cars over the phone but what I might do is answer frequently asked questions and get people to book appointments to come down to the dealership to actually test drive the cars right very very different right because where that gets complicated is the pricing so what I just did is I removed pricing from the equation right so instead have someone going in and talking about like what is the price do you guys have any leasing options what’s the required down payment all of that what I would train my AI receptions to do is simply say hey I would love to answer all those questions but there are so many factors that it depends on such as your credit score it depends on x y z and you list all those so what you say is I can have someone call you back and go over those details um with you and they can actually collect the details type it in a computer run the numbers in real time to give them accurate details right or you can have the AI receptionist say hey that’s a great question um when you come down to test drive we’re going to go over all those details for you

06:44 But before you do that can you tell me what your price range is and I can tell you if we have any models um that will accommodate right so I took this really long complicated thing and I just simplified it down into why don’t you just come down and and talk to us in person we can punch in the numbers and get you an accurate quote okay so that’s number one that’s the number one reason why we see failure with our AI receptionists is we’re trying to get the AI receptionist to do too much right because remember it’s an AI reception so it’s calling it’s taking notes it’s collecting details

06:15 So it doesn’t have access to your guys’s Advanced crms to where it can actually pull in quotes right um and see where things are but now what if you guys actually wanted to give pricing right now pricing doesn’t mean that it’s complicated right and pricing is actually our number two reason why appointments don’t get booked right so number one complicated service offering number two is pricing they often go hand inand but they’re not necessarily the exact same thing right.

07:45 So if I have a roofing company and um someone’s calling in and they’re wanting to get a quote for a new roof and then if you start looking at it might be a new roof it might be a repair might be a couple shingles repair is Insurance paying for it are um they paying for it is it a like a metal roof what type of roof it is what’s the size of the roof there’s all of these questions that come in with that roof and so you have to ask yourselves typically when it’s a very complicated um pricing model or uh you know product offering then naturally in the business model you have someone going to give a quote you have someone going and doing an inspection right so instead of having the AI re receptionist do the whole thing get it to where that inspection’s there because a live person looking at the roof is going to be able to give more accurate quotes and they’re going to be able to sell the service better upsells cross sales um all of that fun stuff to increase the revenue in your business right and so um it’s very similar to number one right complicated product offering two is pricing right um simplify the numbers that the AI receptionist is giving the callers right so if you guys have like well if it’s tier one tier two tier three and those all have different price points and those tiers could be in anything right let’s just you know a random business.

08:10 Let’s just say it’s like a dog groomer right so tier one could be like a basic just like wash no haircut tier three could be where it’s like the full thing where we’re going to do a dog wash perfume haircut um we’re going to put like a nice handkerchief on all of that stuff the whole nine yards and um so instead of going over and having your AI receptionist say well tier one is this and it comes with this and this is the price point tier two and it just keeps rambling and going on right because the customer is not going to remember the difference between tier one and tier two because it goes really fast so on your macro steps that we talked about break down those tiers and instead of going into it first have your AI receptionist really understand why that user is calling first and then tell your AI receptionist to suggest suggest a pricing tier.

09:00 Then if that’s not okay with them um then suggest the next price well if that’s too expensive for you or that’s not quite what you’re looking for we actually have a little bit of a cheaper option A more economic friendly option right you can program that into your AI receptionist okay so those are the first two the third number reason why we see our AI receptionist not work is that customers think it’s a voice mail and that’s because AI voice is so new they’re not used to it yet so they hear it and they immediately think oh this sounds a little different I’m going to hang up because it’s a voicemail so how do we change all those things.

10:30 let’s dive in right now and I’m going to show you real quickly how I would tweak the number one number two and number three most common problems we see with the AI receptionist so to do that where I’m going to go first is AI logic and then I’m going to go into General logic right I’m going to scroll down and I’m going to pass everything ex until I get to receptionist first message now on the receptionist first message this is where people might think it’s a it’s a voicemail right because it’s the first thing that your receptionist says when they pick up the phone in our example here we have hey there my name is Josh thanks for calling Local Business Pro I’m designed to answer new common questions I’m designed to answer common questions you might have about an AI receptionist and to see if we’re a great fit for you and your business so if that’s really really long people are going to hang up and that’s already really long and so if you want it to be less of a like a that’s a voicemail and you’re running into that problem shorten it down right hey there my name is Josh thanks for calling Pete’s Pest Control thanks for calling you know um auto detailer whatever the business name is right how can I help you keep that short if that’s the um if that’s an issue right our AI if someone says like hey are you AI we automatically ours will say yeah I am an advanced AI bot um how can help you right so that’s where I would change that to solve problem number three um to solve problem number two is that if you’re using um the not using Advanced prompts then it’s going to be current customer conversation flow and sales conversation flow here you can delete things move things around um delete things by clicking this X over here you can completely change that conversation flow.

12:30 But what if that’s not good enough what if there are a couple weird things you’re like man I want the bot to do this you know something else than what it’s currently doing and it’s not sequential it’s not the flow of it well in that case what I would suggest you do if you’ve made changes go ahead and click update I’m not going to do that because I like our our sales flow and then come down down to after you’ve updated it come down to your Advanced custom prompts and then what you can do is I’m actually going to scroll down to our customer service prompt and I have this section here that says rules to follow and these rules to follow are just unique things that are inside of our business model and the conversations between us and customers and I wanted to be able to you know tweak and modify that.

13:25 So I just added this new section at the bottom that says rules to follow and in here I have three of them one two and three um and it says if a customer asked to test the AI receptionist via phone call then you can please give them this number to test and I give them that phone number and you might be thinking wait a minute they’re talking to the receptions why would they need to call and do that because these are also the chat logic right so if someone’s on our website chatting hey can I test the AI receptionist it will give them that phone number right so that’s very different from like our core product offering but that’s where I would add in those unique things now the last place that I would change to modify for either a pricing or a complicated service is I would come into AI logic and I would go to services and I’d actually go into one of the services that you have set up and on the service details or the pricing strategy this is where I would add in those differences so if you look at pricing strategy I can come into here here and let’s say that I was using that tiered strategy from the dog groomer example right and I can come into here and say like types of you know our packages type that in.

14:30 Then, I’ll say like package um I might I would actually do it this way I would say our package overview and I would say our office or our dog gromer um you know we offer it’s probably that that’s better we offer three different packages designed to help you and your pet needs okay so I’m going to create that and then what I would do is say package number one and then here I could put in like price $75 and I can add a new value and I could say like best for um big breed dogs with thick coats and then I could come into here and say like Services shampoo wash haircut Etc and I can add that then I would go in and I would do package two package three and now when I’m talking to the AI receptionist and I’m like and and then I changed my macro to like you know ask what they’re looking for and then suggest a package off of that it will know the AI receptionist will know what package to offer right right and we’ll go in and do that okay so I’m not going to bore you guys anymore quick and easy day day six it’s all about looking at your current customer calls tweaking it so that you can solve why your uh customers are not booking appointments right and typically right out of the gate you’re going to see about a 40 to 50% booking rate we can get that up to 70% just by doing and solving those three things plus maybe four or five right looking at your unique business and doing exactly what we just talked about.

15:45 so I’ll see you guys on day seven homework for today is to go in and modify the AI receptionist based off of Live customer feedback okay um I can’t wait for day seven guys we are so close to finishing this challenge um and the hard part’s done right from here on out we’re just watching tweaking watching tweaking and making sure that we get as many booked appointments as possible

16:55 So I’ll see you guys tomorrow bye