Day 7 Of The 10x10x10 Challenge


0:04 Welcome to day seven of the 10 by 10 by 10 challenge or 10 appointments from 10 missed phone calls in just 10 days.

0:14 My name is Keeton, the founder of Local Business Pro and I am so excited that you guys are here, especially today.

0:21 Today is all about building systems for your team. Now, if you don’t know, the reason why we created Local Business Pro is because our clients in our marketing agency, Growthbound Marketing, they’re having a really hard time answering the phone. And as a marketing agency, if you’re driving all this traffic and making the phone ring and form submissions happen, if the office staff is not reaching back out to them and picking up the phone, then that marketing agency is gonna be booted because they’re gonna look at the profit and loss and they’re gonna be like, hey, we’re not making a lot of money.

0:53 So way back in the day, we decided we need to change this and we created an AI voice system known as Local Business Pro and it’s been doing wonders for local businesses all across America because it’s been capturing the lost revenue that they have every day from missed phone calls and it’s been injecting it back into their business, allowing for new jobs, allowing for growth, allowing for better services with our customers.

1:20 I could go on and on and on and I am so excited that you guys are here because today is all about the systems that your teams need to make sure that no call that the AI receptionist picked up gets forgotten about, gets lost in an email inbox somewhere, buried at the bottom, right? And so the systems, the way we designed Local Business Pro was actually for teams, it’s not a full CRM, right?

1:47 It’s not a HubSpot or a Salesforce or a PestPack or anything like that. It is a very simple tool where you and your team can go in, capture missed calls and make sure that the information is added to your guys’ CRM. So the very first thing that we need to look at is what are we gonna do when a call comes in, right? We’ve been testing it for a couple of days, you’ve been editing it, you’ve been getting it more and more dialed in, which is awesome.

2:16 And now, like let’s imagine that it’s perfect, right? You might need a couple more days, which is fine and we’re working towards that, but long-term, right? A month from now, you’re not gonna be testing it every day, so we want systems to flow and work really well for your business, right? So with all that being said, where I’m at is I’m in the Conversations, in the Conversations tab, right? Looking at all of the most recent conversations and this is a test account, that’s why on my screen right now, you guys can see test, test, test, test.

2:48 But that’s great because it shows us how we’re gonna create these kind of systems in place to make sure that you capture the lost revenue, okay? So very first thing we have to think about is when a phone call comes in, what do we do, right? Phone call comes in, we miss it, AI receptionist picks up and then what’s going to happen is that as soon as that call is done, in your notifications, you’re gonna get an email. Then on this page right here, there’s gonna be a new row with a chat or a phone number right here under phone and then the status is gonna be set to new.

3:28 So what we’ve seen be super successful for teams is that they have the email be the trigger where as soon as you get an email, you log into here and process it. Other teams always have Local Business Pro open in a tab and every two hours, they go over and check it, look at all the new ones and start processing those in batches versus one-offs, right? Every time that they come in. You might be able to think of a third way of doing it, a fourth way of doing it but I would pick one of those two options for your team and then what I would do is when this call opens up is I would actually look at these statuses that we have here and we have, it goes off the screen but we have not set lead, sold, follow-up, unqualified, current customer, salesperson, spam, admin operations, test, no answer and completed.

4:22 So we wanted to give a large range of those statuses so that anybody on their systems and their team can use it that works best. What most of our businesses do is they use completed. That means no other team member needs to look at it. It’s done, someone’s marked it as completed. The other thing that we’ve seen is that when you do follow-ups. Now follow-up means that hey, we need to do something about this and typically when there’s a follow-up, you add notes like call the customer back once we get a price, you know, a firm price, something like that, right?

5:02 And so now if I log out, I go on break, whatever it is and someone else comes into this system, they’ll be able to, oh, I need a follow-up with this person. I’m gonna click on it, call the customer back once we have firm price. Hopefully there’s more details here. They can go back, call the customer, make sure that everything is exactly as intended as it’s needed, right?

5:26 So first thing in our systems, how are we gonna know that a new call happened, right? If you have a CRM connection, it’s probably gonna go right into your CRM and book appointments on there, which is awesome. Number two is how are you and your team going to assign additional value to the status, right? Follow-up, test, complete. How is your guys’ flow going to go? Are you using a quote value, right? Are you using the sales value?

5:53 Now, these are very seldomly used and the reason why is because Local Business Pro is not a CRM, but this is just if you guys wanted to actually like write notes, but not have them buried in a long list of notes, right? If your notes are really long, but actually going in here and adding that quote and that sales value there, right?

6:12 Now, once that’s done, let’s assume that appointment went into your CRM, you had your calendar connected, there’s no double bookings, it’s perfect. What do you guys need to do? Do you need to copy last name, first name and actually move that into the CRM or add additional details there? What does that system and process look like, right?

6:34 Now, having the system is so crucially important because it lets your team know how to handle these calls so that they don’t fall through the cracks, right? So that you don’t wake up to a bad review saying like every time I call, I talked to this AI voice that says that the information is being passed on the team, but it doesn’t get passed on to the team, right? All the information is right here for you and we have to make sure that you have that system in place to talk to those customers and to get back to them as quickly as possible so that they know that they’re being taken care of and that you can capture that revenue and inject it into your business, okay? So super easy day.

7:12 Down below, you guys should see worksheets on how you’re gonna create your process and your flow. If you need to, download them. If not, you can just have a team meeting on this, however you guys would like.

7:23 So homework for today’s challenge is meet with your team, go over what the process looks like so that that way you can make sure you have a good and accurate process to capture those calls and get that revenue into your business, okay guys?

7:39 I will see you tomorrow on day eight of the 10 by 10 by 10 challenge. I’m Keeton and I’ll see you guys later.