Exciting New Updates To Enhance Your Local Business Pro Dashboard Experience: New Filter Update​

Welcome to our latest update post where we dive into the newest filter feature for Local Business Pro! We’re continually striving to improve your experience and make managing your business smoother and more efficient. This week, we’re thrilled to announce significant enhancements to our dashboard that promise to streamline your workflow and ensure seamless coordination within your team. Whether you’re catching up on weekend calls or organizing customer follow-ups, these updates are designed to make your life easier.

Hey everyone, we’ve made some awesome updates at Local Business Pro this week, and it’s all about how we can make it easier for you and your team to work inside of the dashboard and to pick up for that customer where your assistant has left off. One of the things that we’ve done is in the top right, we added a filter function. So this way, let’s say that you have one assistant coming in in the morning and just filtering all the calls that have happened over the weekend. All right, it’s Monday morning, they’re just going through, making sure that any bookings are on the schedule, making sure that they fit with your guys’ schedule, whether that’s a route, whether that’s someone coming in, and then they organize everything. I mean, there’s a bunch that need to be followed up on, and you hit lunch, someone else comes in, and now they have to pick up where they left off. This is why we added the filter tab. You can go up to there, click that filter button, and say, hey, here’s all the people I need to follow up with. Boom, there’s a list of people that need to be followed up with. You can open them, read the notes, go back and forth until um you’ve got them either booked or you put them into a marketing lead sequence to where you guys can make sure that you capture that customer later on so that’s that’s the biggest update that we made. The second update we made is we actually changed the list of statuses. We’ve seen a lot of feedback from you guys on what kind of statuses you guys would like to have. So we’ve added a couple different in there and you guys have a lot more functionality, right? You have a lot of ways you can, um, had those, uh, delete, them filter, them to where they match your business. So those are the two things that we’ve updated inside of the portal this week. We’ve worked on a lot of other things, but they’re not quite ready. So stay tuned in the couple weeks coming. We’ve got some really, really exciting updates coming your way. If you guys want anything, if you have any feature requests, let us know. Reach out to us, right? We really want to make sure that this software is working for you and that you’re not working for the software, that it’s helping you collect customers, capture customers that would have fallen through the cracks so that you can grow your business. All right, guys. See you next week.

Introducing the New Filter Function

Have you ever wished for a simpler way to sort through calls, appointments, and tasks? Our new filter function is here to revolutionize how you manage your workload. Located in the top right of the dashboard, this feature allows you to quickly filter tasks and calls, making it effortless to organize your day and prioritize follow-ups.

Example Use Cases

Imagine it’s Monday morning, and your assistant is sifting through calls from the weekend. With just a few clicks, they can filter out all pending tasks, ensuring that bookings are scheduled and aligned with your availability. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate on a tight schedule, including service routes or in-person consultations.

Enhanced List of Statuses for Better Task Management

Feedback is the cornerstone of our development process, and your input has led us to revamp our list of statuses. With these changes, you have more flexibility and control over how you categorize and manage tasks. Whether it’s deleting outdated tasks or filtering them to better match your business operations, these new statuses are designed to make task management more intuitive and aligned with your specific needs.

Why These Updates Matter

In the fast-paced world of business, efficiency is key. Our latest updates are not just about adding new features; they’re about enhancing your ability to manage your business effectively. By improving how you track and follow up with customers, we aim to help you capture more leads and prevent potential clients from slipping through the cracks. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that Local Business Pro works for you, helping you grow your business without adding to your workload.

Looking Ahead

While we’re excited about these new features, there’s more on the horizon. We’re constantly working on further enhancements and eagerly anticipate sharing more updates with you in the coming weeks. Your success is our priority, and we’re committed to delivering tools that support your business growth.

We Want To Hear From You

Your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have any feature requests or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, we can ensure that Local Business Pro continues to meet the evolving needs of your business.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and thank you for choosing Local Business Pro. We’re here to support you every step of the way as you build and grow your business. See you in our next update!